Thursday, August 27, 2009

Just for Fun

Something that I found on someone else's blog that I thought would be interesting to fill out.

-What are your nicknames? Care Bear( by most people), Callie(my Dad), Callie Marie(my dad), Pumpkin, Punky, Carrots, Ms. Carrots, Carrie Anne(my friend Ashley), Cavis(my brother), Cat(my brother), Blondie, and Peaches( actually this is my newest nickname. My pastor one Sunday morning was calling on me and a friend to sing. He said, "Well I really do not know what to call this new group. How about Peaches and Cream." It stuck.)

-What is your favorite scent? Cool Water( by Calvin Kline) or Fresh Cut Roses

-What is one place you've visited, can't forget and want to go back to? Charleston, South Carolina

-Do you trust easlily? It really is according to what you mean by trust. Do I trust people that I just meet. No. Do I trust people to tell me the truth. Yes. Many people play pranks on me all the time. They will tell me something and I will believe them, and in reality they are pulling my leg. I am very gullible.

-What is your favorite flower? Daisies

- Do you generally think before you act, or act before you think? Most of the time I think before I act. Many times before I do or say anything I roll it over in my mind a dozen times before I actually say or do it.

- What is the last song that got stuck in your head? A Few Good Men :)

There are a few of the questions.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Search Me

Search Me

Search me O' God and know my heart

Try me and know my thoughts

And see if there be any wicked way in me

And lead me in the way, lead me in the way

Lead me in the way everlasting

You have known me, you have known me

My downsittings, my uprisings

You understand my thoughts from afar

You know all my ways, you know all my ways.

While attending Pensacola Christian College, I learned and fell in love with this song. During prayer group and during hall meeting all the girls in my dorm would sing this song. Each time it was sung it really challenged me.

In this song it talks about the Lord knowing us. He knows our downsittings and our uprisings. Also, he understands all of our thoughts, and he knows all our ways. I do not know about you, but that really makes me feel ashamed. To know that someone knows all about me. We can not hide anything from God. He sees everything that we do, He hears everything that we say, and He even knows everything that we think. It makes me ashamed, and it also makes me want to watch myself more closely. We may be able to hide things from our friends and our families, but we cannot hide things from the all seeing eye of the Lord. The thing that amazes me is that even though the Lord knows all about us He still loves us. I fail Him each and everyday, but yet He still loves me the same as He did yesterday, last year, and 20 years ago.

I also love this song, because to me this is a song of prayer to the Lord. I want so much to do what the Lord wants me to do. When singing this song I sing it as a prayer to the Lord to search me, and see if there is anything in my life that I need to turn away from or place into my life.

This song was actually taken out of Psalms 139. Another thing that is mentioned in this chapter that is not in the song is that the Lord's thought's of each of His children are precious. I just love that. The Lord's thoughts of me are precious. As my pastor says, " That is enough to make one want to run around the church praising the Lord ( something like that)." Thank you Lord for having precious thoughts about me.

"Search me, O God, and know my heart, try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."

- Psalms 139: 23-24

" O LORD, thou hast searched me, and known me. Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought from afar off. Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways."

-Psalms 139:1-2

"How precious also are thy thoughts unto me. O God! how great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee."

-Psalms 139: 17-18

Monday, August 24, 2009

I Will Trust You Lord

I Will Trust You Lord

Verse 1

Its funny how we do it, the plans for our lives

We plan for success and try to pass the pain right by

But it just doesn't work that way, God has a different plan

He works in ways we never see, beyond the scope of man


When the journey takes a detour unexpectedly

And I try to accept and understand what it all means

When I'm pressed to show the world, what I really believe

I will trust you Lord

When my heart begins to faint, because I've seen my life's afraid

And my soul cries out, Oh Lord how long can I keep this at bay

In the fiercest part of battle when my feet don't want to stay

I will trust you Lord, with my life

Verse 2

I may not understand it, and even question why

What good will ever come from this? Has even crossed my mind

But God's teaching me to trust Him more, as He works His will in me

I rest securely in His care, and surrender sure is sweet

This song has meant alot to me here lately. Many times in our Christian lives we do not always understand why the Lord sends difficult circumstances into our lives, or why the Lord takes things that are special to us away. We plan for our lives to be just perfect and often are disappointed when something enters or leaves our lives that disrupts our vision of how things are suppose to go. We often question the Lord, and become a little bit aggravated at Him for messing our lives up. But He knows what is best for us, even when we ourselves do not understand. He sends a trial into our lives, and the first thing that we do is begin to tell Him that He is messing things up, and we grow angry, and our fellowship with Him becomes strained. Instead we should just ask the Lord to help us get through it, for His glory and our good. Also, we do not always understand why the Lord withholds things from us, that we have prayed for and longed for, for a long time. We envision our lives a certain way, and we pray that the Lord will make it that way in our time. We do not want to have to wait on His timing, we want it now and do not want to wait for it. But the Lord has a vision for our lives also, and His vision is far better than we could ever have imagined for ourselves. Our lives are not our own, we belong to the Lord. We think only about what will benefit ourselves, but the Lord wants to use us for His glory. Each one of us is used everyday by our Lord to influence those around us, whether we influence for good or evil is entirely up to how we handle what the Lord sends our way. God can use our trials to influence others. Through our trials others can see the Lord doing a great work through us. If we lean on Him when we do not understand then He can give us strength to get through anything. He is making us more like Himself when He sends trials into our lives, and if we withstand the testing then our pot that He is molding will become more beautiful and precious to the Potter. Just trust the Lord for He knows what is best. We will have joy and peace if we leave our lives in the Master's hands to do with as He sees fit. Read the song again, and think about what you are reading more closely.

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."
Proverbs 3:5-6

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Every weekend for the last three weekends I have went out of town. Frankly, I am quite tired, but on each trip I have had a great time. The first weekend I went to MacDonald, Tennessee to a Youth Meeting at Mineral Park Baptist Church. I had a very good time and was very uplifted by the messages. The second weekend I went to Murfesburro, Tennessee to a Child Care Convention. I would have to say that sometimes spending an entire weekend with your coworkers can be exhausting and frightening. All have the priviledge of getting to know each other too well. Lol.

This past weekend I went to St. Stephen, South Carolina to Life Baptist Church, where Bro. Alfred Willis is the pastor. This church was hosting a Camp Meeting. I had a very good time and was greatly encouraged and revived. All of the preachers brought great messages. Two of the messages though greatly helped me . One was on getting Christ on your life. All of God's children need to get Christ on their life. The preacher preached out of Mark 11:1-11. Jesus had told His disciples "...Go your way into the village over against you: and as soon as ye be entered into it, ye shall find a colt tied, whereon never man sat: loose him, and bring him. And if any man say unto you, Why do ye this? say ye that the Lord hath need of him; and straightway he will send him hither. And they went their way, and found the colt tied by the door without where two ways met; and they loose him."(Mark 11:2-4) Young people brought up in Christian homes and in church today are like that colt that has a lead about their neck that binds them to their parents and to those in authority over them. They are where two ways meet. Their parents are trying to teach them the ways of God and to tell them that doing what the Lord wants them to do is the right way, the way that will bring them joy, peace and happiness. But they keep watching the world as it passes by down those ways that meet, wanting so much to be let loose to wander and follow all those who are straying from God. Well one day the Lord called for that colt, He wanted that colt to carry Him through Jerusalem. Christ had a special job for that colt to do. If that colt had been loosed of its lead it would not have been ready for the Lord to use. The same applies to young people if they are participating in the things of the world and wandering away from what they have learned from their parents and their pastor, then they will not be in the place where the Lord needs them. He has a special plan for their lives that requires them being useable for Him.

Another preacher brought a message about a Match Made In Heaven, about Issaac and Rebekah. This message greatly encouraged me to be all I can be now, before the Lord sends me someone. So that when He does send him into my life I will be ready. I must just be patient and wait on the Lord's timing. I must trust the Lord also. I try very hard to trust the Lord in this area, but sometimes I struggle and lean on my own understanding. " Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding."(Proverbs 3:5) I read this verse quite often and say it aloud to myself to try to drill it into my head, but somehow I keep trying to rush the Lord. He knows what is best and He knows my future. He is working things out for His glory and my good. He is working on something and His vision of it is better that I have envisioned it to be. Also, I know that the Lord is teaching me to patience. Someday I will look back on these things and laugh a my silliness, but at the moment it is hard. A good friend has been encouraging me in my trusting, and has really been a blessing to me.

Trying to trust the Lord, and trying not to lean on my own understanding.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Just a quick post to say that I am still here. I said that I would try and remedy my lack of blogging and here it has been about 4 months since I have blogged. Pitiful I know. Well this post is not to say that I will do better, but to inform people that I am still here.

Summer has almost come and gone and I am sad to announce that school is coming upon me at too fast a pace. I have not been idle this summer though. I have been very busy working and do activities with our church. This coming Friday I will be going to South Carolina to Bro. Alfred Willis' church to a camp meeting. I am quite excited about going. Hopefully many people will be helped through the preaching.

God has really been working in my life lately, in the area of trusting Him. Sometimes my will is so hard to break, that I often do not listen and obey the Lord's plans. I do know though that the Lord has really been teaching me much and molding me into the vision He has of me. To be more like Him. A prayer of mine was answered just tonight. I asked the Lord to teach me how to love Him more and to help me to love Him more. He answered me tonight at church when a man in our church began to testify. In the Bible the Lord tells His disciples that if they love Him that they will keep His commandments. I have known for a long time that love is not just a feeling but an action. If you truly love someone you will carry it out through actions of thoughtfulness and sacrificing of your own time, energy, and self. Sometimes it is hard to keep His commandments, because our flesh does not want to yield. But if we truly love Him we will do what He commands in the Bible. And my desire is to truly love Him. God is so good to us, and yet we find it so hard to do our best for Him and let Him take full control in our lives. He only wants what is best and He knows what is best. He gave His only Son to come to this horrible world to die for those who did not deserve His love or His pity. But He did He sent His precious, sinless Son to be born in a barn, to journey to a criminal's cross, to die for you and for me, the sinners in so much need of a Savior. In order to fully understand what love is, one must first acknowledge the love that was demonstrated on the hill of Calvary over 2000 years ago, and accept this man's gift of salvation. God is so good.

Also, I would like to thank the Lord for loving me. Just this past weekend I realized that the Lord always loves us the same. He always loves us the same. If we are obeying Him and reading our Bibles, praying, meditating, and doing all kinds of works for Him, He loves us so much. When we are not obeying Him all the time and are doing things that please the flesh and things that are self-centered, He still loves us the same. I many times have this feeling that when I am not exactly in sweet communion with God that He does not love me as much, but He does, His love is unconditional. And I would just like to tell Him thanks.