Monday, September 7, 2009

Speaking in front of people is something that I have never really been comfortable with. Today while in U.S. History class the teacher decides to call on me to answer questions about the material covered the night before. I personally feel that the man knew that I was nervous, and that he decided to play with it. He would ask me questions that I answered to the best of my ability, but he would word strangely on purpose to confuse me. I am not good at thinking when asked a question on the spot. All during class he would ask questions directed to all of the students, and I would be the only one answering them most of the time, correctly too. But when he would direct a question directly to me I would freeze. One time he asked me a question and I answered it, and he laughed at me, causing the whole class to laugh.

Another time today I had to speak in front of my class today, and that was during Speech. I was the second person to speak, because I volunteered to be one of the first ones to speak. I wanted to get it over with, and the teacher normally grades easier on the students that go first. All the other student that get up to speak later during class already know what the teacher expects out of them. Well I got up to speak and I did a pretty good job of it, except that my voice shook. I made it through my speech, but right when I finished I noticed that my mouth felt like I had chalk dust all in it. My mouth was the dryest that I ever remember it being. Thankfully I keep a small bottle of water in my purse just for such emergencies. When I got back to my seat a wave of relief passed over me. All of that worry and loss of sleep was over something that only lasted 2 to 3 minutes, and just as quickly as I had started I was finished. I did ok and I did not get sick so I guess I can get through the rest of the course. I hope.


  1. So proud of you Carrie! I knew you would do great:)

  2. I know you did a great job Carrie! I have heard you speak in class before and you do fine. Your voice dosen`t shake as bad as you might think. Don`t stress yourself out; you will get through Speech no problem!
