Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Every weekend for the last three weekends I have went out of town. Frankly, I am quite tired, but on each trip I have had a great time. The first weekend I went to MacDonald, Tennessee to a Youth Meeting at Mineral Park Baptist Church. I had a very good time and was very uplifted by the messages. The second weekend I went to Murfesburro, Tennessee to a Child Care Convention. I would have to say that sometimes spending an entire weekend with your coworkers can be exhausting and frightening. All have the priviledge of getting to know each other too well. Lol.

This past weekend I went to St. Stephen, South Carolina to Life Baptist Church, where Bro. Alfred Willis is the pastor. This church was hosting a Camp Meeting. I had a very good time and was greatly encouraged and revived. All of the preachers brought great messages. Two of the messages though greatly helped me . One was on getting Christ on your life. All of God's children need to get Christ on their life. The preacher preached out of Mark 11:1-11. Jesus had told His disciples "...Go your way into the village over against you: and as soon as ye be entered into it, ye shall find a colt tied, whereon never man sat: loose him, and bring him. And if any man say unto you, Why do ye this? say ye that the Lord hath need of him; and straightway he will send him hither. And they went their way, and found the colt tied by the door without where two ways met; and they loose him."(Mark 11:2-4) Young people brought up in Christian homes and in church today are like that colt that has a lead about their neck that binds them to their parents and to those in authority over them. They are where two ways meet. Their parents are trying to teach them the ways of God and to tell them that doing what the Lord wants them to do is the right way, the way that will bring them joy, peace and happiness. But they keep watching the world as it passes by down those ways that meet, wanting so much to be let loose to wander and follow all those who are straying from God. Well one day the Lord called for that colt, He wanted that colt to carry Him through Jerusalem. Christ had a special job for that colt to do. If that colt had been loosed of its lead it would not have been ready for the Lord to use. The same applies to young people if they are participating in the things of the world and wandering away from what they have learned from their parents and their pastor, then they will not be in the place where the Lord needs them. He has a special plan for their lives that requires them being useable for Him.

Another preacher brought a message about a Match Made In Heaven, about Issaac and Rebekah. This message greatly encouraged me to be all I can be now, before the Lord sends me someone. So that when He does send him into my life I will be ready. I must just be patient and wait on the Lord's timing. I must trust the Lord also. I try very hard to trust the Lord in this area, but sometimes I struggle and lean on my own understanding. " Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding."(Proverbs 3:5) I read this verse quite often and say it aloud to myself to try to drill it into my head, but somehow I keep trying to rush the Lord. He knows what is best and He knows my future. He is working things out for His glory and my good. He is working on something and His vision of it is better that I have envisioned it to be. Also, I know that the Lord is teaching me to patience. Someday I will look back on these things and laugh a my silliness, but at the moment it is hard. A good friend has been encouraging me in my trusting, and has really been a blessing to me.

Trying to trust the Lord, and trying not to lean on my own understanding.


  1. I just figured out how to get on here! lol I needed to read your post... You are a huge encoragement.

  2. Just found out about your blog today. I'll be adding your link to my list. Love and appreciate you so much!

  3. Hi Carrie
    Just found your blog today. I look forward to reading it. Have a great day!

    Mrs. Tammy
